Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall

If there were 99 bottles of beer on the wall this morning, there are fewer now.  On our last day in Bavaria, it seemed appropriate to drink a few of them.  We started out last day in Germany with clouds and cold and finished with beer, Oom pah pah and fellowship.  We started off in the morning on an optional excursion through the Danube gorge, upstream from where the Impression had entered the Danube after leaving the Main-Danube canal.  Gorgeous scenery with the leaves in their best autumn colors.   The boat ride finished at Wertheimer Abbey which advertises itself as the oldest brewery in the world.  They can document a brew-master being there from 1050.

St. George slaying the dragon is honored here.  Achieved with natural light, the dragon is in the dark and the virgin is in the light
We visited the gorgeous baroque chapel (still a little too busy for my taste, but gorgeous nevertheless) where the guide explained all the significant allegory involved with St. George slaying the dragon, the forces of light vs. the forces of darkness, and the possibilities for reaching heaven.  

The lighting effects achieved with hidden windows and natural light used to tell this story were remarkable.  Visit it! As a farewell. we were offered a stein of beer and a pretzel. We were told that the most important part of the Benedictine monks' vows "to pray and to work" was to remember the "and." Proost!

Regensburg Cathedral - Gothic
The boat stayed in Regensburg for the afternoon so I was able to stroll about the old town, visit the cathedral, and shop a little.  Back on the boat, we were treated to a Bavarian beer tasting.  My favorite beer so far is the Kolsh in Koln, and the presenters didn't change my opinion.  In fact, my vote goes to the Durango brew-masters, although the Wetheimer beer was pretty good, too.  Those Benedictine monks know what they're doing after 1000+ years.

We had dinner with a really nice Texas couple.  It was so great to hear the accents of home, much as I've enjoyed getting to know the Brits, Aussies and Canadians.  Home will always be home, and Texas is my home.

The evening finished with an entertaining One Man Oom Pah Pah band.  Good-bye Germany.  Hello, Austria.

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